Emilstp Annotations

What three (or more) quotes capture the critical import of the text?

Thursday, July 18, 2019 - 12:23am

P. 89 " In the stem cell laboratory, cells are instruments for experiment and at the same time living beings, which sometimes ‘resist’ standardization and spiral out of control. Indeed, cells both need and demand attention and commitment from scientists and technical staff. Exploring emerging liveliness in the laboratory environment, this paper describes how scientists and technicians care for their cells and develop affective relations with them."

P. 95 "Nanami later says, ‘I can’t work with someone who doesn’t feel that cells are kawaii. In recruitment interviews, I always ask interviewees whether they feel cells are kawaii or not’. Her characterization of this core attitude exemplifies how affective and aesthetic dimensions are essential for noticing subtle differences in the intracellular state of cells as well as their intercellular interactions."

P. 99 ". Gradually, I learned how my hand movements could affect the cells. At the same time, my own body and my emotions were becoming affected by the responses of the cells. Onomatopoeia helped me to memorize and consolidate in my body a sense of the subtle differences presented by cells: in a synesthetic way, the mimetic words bridged my sense of hearing, sense of sight, and sense of touch. Through the learning process, I began to appreciate that cells are indeed living beings. Thus, the gestural effects of onomatopoeia enable the qualities of cells to enter into our body. Highly skilled iPS sommeliers seem able to use onomatopoeia to make fine distinctions between cell states and increase their sensitivity to the condition of cells."

P. 103 "Rather than endeavoring to dominate and control nature, by establishing affective ties and responding bodily and emotionally to the state of the bodies they cultivate and nurture, iPS sommeliers create new relationships between specific humans and nonhumans. This situation may be peculiar to the experimental system of the early stages of the emerging field of regenerative medicine."

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