Katie Ulrich Annotations

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In response to:

Wishlist 2070 (https://stsinfrastructures.org/content/sketch-4-wishlist-2070/essay)

Wednesday, August 12, 2020 - 4:22pm

Topics, issues, questions, and places that I hope to research over the next 50 years:

  1. Scientific storytelling, science as storytelling
  2. Communication of science beyond academia
  3. Public engagement with science
  4. Scientists' self-understandings and reflexivity (incl my own)
  5. Equity and justice in/through science
  6. Toxicity
  7. Chemicals
  8. Energy
  9. Environmentalism 
  10. Knowledge production
  11. Extraction
  12. Biotech
  13. Plants
  14. Plant-based substitutes
  15. Biology
  16. Chemistry
  17. Lab practices
  18. Technicalities
  19. Mundane happenings and artifacts
  20. Logistics
  21. Maintenance
  22. What status quos does the mobilization of particular science projects rely on, materially, conceptually, and otherwise? How can these be challenged?
  23. Brazil
  24. United States
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