Habits, Neuroses, Talents (https://stsinfrastructures.org/content/sketch-1-habits-neuroses-talents/essay)

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Jacqueline (Jackie) Ashkin's picture
August 12, 2020
Do you have more trouble articulating your frame (social theoretical questions) or object?
Probably object. Finding my empirical object has been especially difficult given the current circumstances and my inability to undertake more traditional modes of ethnographic fieldwork, through which I would normally locate the object. 
Do you tend to project-hop or to stick to a project, and what explains this?
Definitely a project-hopper. I get bored relatively easily, and if I don't lost interest, I invariably get frustrated when things aren't going smoothly.
Do you tend to be more interested in internal dynamics, or external determinations? In the terms laid out by Keller, do you tend to focus so intently on the object of your concern that context falls away (i.e. are you obsessive compulsive, rather than paranoid)? Is your desire to name, specify and control your object? Is your desire for figure, its ground your annoyance? Or are you paranoid, context being your focus and obsession? All is signal. Only begrudgingly will you admit that something is noise, outside the scope of your project? Figure is hard to come by. Its ground has captured your attention.
Paranoid! Without a doubt. When looking at documents/institutional architectures, everything seems important. The object - the thing itself I want to speak about - is inherently connected to everything around it, and I find how it is connected particularly fascinating. This is not to say that objects are not interesting, but rather than they become more interesting to me through their relations. (A/N: I often find 'object' a confusing term to use in the context of social sciences, because of its connotations of being a material thing-in-the-world. I wonder if anyone else has come across this feeling?)
What do you do with unusual or counter examples? Are you drawn to “the deviant,” or rather repulsed by it?
I am definitely drawn to what deviates, which makes processes of coding and categorization especially difficult - I find the pattern quickly, and then I spend the rest of my time thinking about the things that don't quite fit and what they might mean. Counter-examples should always be incorporated into a discussion in my opinion; if an article makes an especially grand claim, the first thing my mind does is search for instances where this may not be exactly the case. The reflex of a rebel, or just a glass-half-empty attitude?
Do you tend to over-impose logics on the world, or to resist the construction of coherent narratives?
I resist the construction of coherent narratives. Multiplicity and unruliness characterize every day of our lives - why should my work reflect otherwise? I suppose I was "raised" in quite an anti-structuralist school of thought, to put it mildly...
Do you tend to over-generalize, or to hold back from overarching argument?
Depends on what we're talking about. I find it much easier to make small, precise arguments when I have data in-hand. Otherwise I get carried away in the desire to make grand statements about what I think rather than what I observe. (n.b. my supervisors might disagree!)
Do you like to read interpretations different than your own, or do you tend to feel scooped or intimidated by them?
I wouldn't say I feel scooped or intimidated - if anything, I feel frustrated, annoyed, angry or upset. This is especially true of writing that I feel dodges difficult or uncomfortable points, e.g. post-coloniality, gendered issues, neo-liberalism. Still, I find alternate interpretations useful insights into the way other researchers think about a particular problem.
Do you tend to change an argument as you flesh it out, or do you tend to make the argument work, no matter what?
I change as I go. I prefer to start with a relatively good approximation of what I want to argue before I begin, so that I can make adjustments to refine the argument rather than change it altogether.
Do you tend to think in terms of “this is kind of like” (metaphorically)? Do you hold to examples that “say it all,” leveraging metonymic thinking?
Once again, it depends on what we're talking about. I find that both of these modes help me think, but that they do not carry well into my academic writings - my examples are often too outlandish, and leave me needing to justify their use as opposed to extrapolating upon the core of my argument.
Do you like gaming understanding in this way? Does it frustrate you that your answers often don’t fit easily on either side of the binaries set up by the questions? (Jakobson suggests that over attachment to a simple binary scheme is a “continuity disorder.”)
I feel like understanding is less subjective and more intersubjective- the gaming is complete once it has been put into action with and between relations. This could be most useful as an exercise done with supervisors/team members/ colleagues/ other intellectual companions. As for binaries, they can eat my dust.. at most, I have been enamored by the way they influence other peoples' thoughts. They do little for me, analytically or otherwise...
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Efe Cengiz's picture
August 12, 2020

Do you have more trouble articulating your frame (social theoretical questions) or object?
The object. Before i actually begun doing research, i always thought it would be the other way around. The problem is, the wobbly-ness of the object ends up displacing the frame. "The thing!" i wanna proclaim, and then chase & capture, however if the thing never simply "is" and only "is relational, contextual, etc." how many of those can one capture with frames; how many frames are enogh to proclaim you truly dealt with "the thing" and not "the thing in state x,y,z"? It feels like trying to catch water with a fishing net sometimes, yes the net becomes wet, but it is still empty.
Do you tend to project-hop or to stick to a project, and what explains this?
I stick to a project by hopping. Take this would-be thesis im woking on. It started with a paper on Death. "How did our relationship with death change?" was the question. I saw an ad in which a company makes a tree out of your corpse. Not fertiliser, but "a"tree. Individualism preserved post-death. got me thinking, why not add "...with thanatological technologies ?" to the question. Suddenly, Pandemic! Turns out, a lot of good people are just waiting to become martyrs for the economy(!) so the question included their demise, the frames became too small, necro was not enough, so it became necropolitics. The project was hopped, but also stuck too. Maybe the explanation lies again in the wobbly-ness of the object. I do not see this as "hopping" the project but getting a clearer view by adding more frames. To get at "more complete" knowledge, which only makes it unobtainable; as again, how many steps are enough?
Do you tend to be more interested in internal dynamics, or external determinations? In the terms laid out by Keller, do you tend to focus so intently on the object of your concern that context falls away (i.e. are you obsessive compulsive, rather than paranoid)? Is your desire to name, specify and control your object? Is your desire is for figure, its ground your annoyance? Or are you paranoid, context being your focus and obsession? All is signal. Only begrudgingly will you admit that something is noise, outside the scope of your project? Figure is hard to come by. Its ground has captured your attention.
I am definitely a paranoid as you can see by the previous answers. I may even be paraniod about my paranoia, i can swear it much easier to focus on the object before reading Fortun's "Figuring Out Ethnography". When nothing is noise but you cant make out the signal you blame your ears, not your attitude to the subject; so you go back to literature review, 5 books later, what changes is only that you cast a wider net on the water, the net is still not a bucket, you got more wet silk, but still no substantial water.
What do you do with unusual or counter examples? Are you drawn to “the deviant,” or rather repulsed by it?
I am drawn to them, drawn and quartered by them even. Only after several treasons against my intial assumption i realise where i began was left behind long ago. This should not be seen as a mistake though, not necessarily. It does however make it hard to write.
Do you tend to over-impose logics on the world, or to resist the construction of coherent narratives?
I think i wear my ideology pin proudly enough, and admitting the logics one impose is better than playing that good old god trick, no? However, just because one is reflexive enough, (or rather how does one determine one is refliexive enough?) does not mean the world they created holds better than any other. I think of my imposal of logics like trying to carve a rock with bronze tools. I apply all my force only to find my tools changed in shape by the encounter. Or perhapns this is how i trick myself.
Do you tend to over-generalize, or to hold back from overarching argument?
I live for the overarching argument, truly. One rarely gets to proclaim something so loudly in academic work without first appearing and then being proven a fool. The attempt is still mroe important than the result. If we will not say anything radical, why do all this work at all? 
"My guess is that one of the main reasons anthropologists do not describe “wreckage” is for fear of being called names—not only apocalyptic, but also romantic, and, worse yet, stupid. Indeed, anthropologists who make big statements have often been wrong, and sometimes stupidly, shamefully so. None of us wants to follow in those footsteps. And yet the fear of being called stupid has stopped our discipline from saying anything at all about environmental destruction. Ironically, a discipline that prides itself on its radical stances has become one of the more conservative disciplines when it comes to ecological wellbeing. We don’t like to say anything stronger than “Everything is complicated.”" - Tsing
Do you like to read interpretations different than your own, or do you tend to feel scooped or intimidated by them?

I welcome a challenge to my readings, does not mean i wont get anxious about them. Im trying to wecome my anxiety to interpretations that differ. I act upon them; challenge them right back, not to win or anything, but to welcome what comes after the challenge. Often i find i am left with a sword that is quite different than the one i drew. I just love that feeling.

Do you tend to change an argument as you flesh it out, or do you tend to make the argument work, no matter what?
The first one, but there are lines i do not cross which could be called "virtue" perhaps. 
Do you tend to think in terms of “this is kind of like” (metaphorically)? Do you hold to examples that “say it all,” leveraging metonymic thinking?
My entire education/work has been nothing but a continuation of "this is like that". I am often scared that i will never produce a single original idea, but maybe those comparisons i speak through, are original/authentic enough.
Do you like gaming understanding in this way? Does it frustrate you that your answers often don’t fit easily on either side of the binaries set up by the questions? (Jakobson suggests that over attachment to a simple binary scheme is a “continuity disorder.”)

It does frustrate me but that is the point, correct? This moving onward through frustration, and achieving betterment (in/with what?). Quite the masculine heroics, i must say. And again, on the one hand i know them to be "fake", does not stop by belief in them however; and thus it's reality, in a sense.

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Gabriel Grill's picture
August 11, 2020
  1. Do you have more trouble articulating your frame (social theoretical questions) or object?
    Frame (social theoretical questions).
  2. Do you tend to project-hop or to stick to a project, and what explains this?
    I think both at times. I have projects I focus on and some more on the side which grow more slowly over time. I have a couple of project ideas which I would like to realise at some point but don't find the time. This sometimes feels a bit like 'hopping' maybe. When I do collaborative projects, I try to put much effort in them because I feel others depend on me.
  3. Do you tend to be more interested in internal dynamics, or external determinations? In the terms laid out by Keller, do you tend to focus so intently on the object of your concern that context falls away (i.e. are you obsessive compulsive, rather than paranoid)? Is your desire to name, specify and control your object? Is your desire is for figure, its ground your annoyance? Or are you paranoid, context being your focus and obsession? All is signal. Only begrudgingly will you admit that something is noise, outside the scope of your project? Figure is hard to come by. Its ground has captured your attention.
    I think probably external determinations at the moment, but not a binary.
  4. What do you do with unusual or counter examples? Are you drawn to “the deviant,” or rather repulsed by it?
    Drawn in usually.
  5. Do you tend to over-impose logics on the world, or to resist the construction of coherent narratives?
    This is something I struggle with. There are so many perspectives and narratives to consider. Research is never innocent and I think having some narrative is important and strategic essentialism can help to shop with trying to unpack too much. Pointing at tensions, dialectics and complexities is an important.
  6. Do you tend to over-generalize, or to hold back from overarching argument?
    I think it depends. Sometimes I fear that not having overarching arguments makes my texts appear too neutral or distanced, but I also would like to be researcher who more explicitly takes a political stance in certain contexts. I am only at the start of my PhD and trying to figure out how to think about this boundry (?) between activism and research, particuarly also in language and writing.
  7. Do you like to read interpretations different than your own, or do you tend to feel scooped or intimidated by them?
    Different interpretations are super interesting.
  8. Do you tend to change an argument as you flesh it out, or do you tend to make the argument work, no matter what?
    When I flesh it out, it usually changes.
  9. Do you tend to think in terms of “this is kind of like” (metaphorically)? Do you hold to examples that “say it all,” leveraging metonymic thinking?
    Both sometimes.
  10. Do you like gaming understanding in this way? Does it frustrate you that your answers often don’t fit easily on either side of the binaries set up by the questions? (Jakobson suggests that over attachment to a simple binary scheme is a “continuity disorder.”)
    It was a bit frustrating at times also because it was difficult to associate some of the categories with myself, but it gave me also some possibilities for reflexion which I enjoyed.
Creative Commons Licence
August 11, 2020

1. Do you have more trouble articulating your frame (social theoretical questions) or object?

I definitely struggle more with articulating my frame, and the theories it draws from/speaks to. I think some of this is rooted in the nowhere-ness that I feel with my interdisciplinary positioning.

2. Do you tend to project-hop or to stick to a project, and what explains this?

I project-hop, a lot. When describing my project(s), things can/do sound vaguely inter-related, I've been told, but I think of project-hopping as not really that because all my work coagulates into one larger set of questions (at least in my understanding). When I consciously project-hop, though, I do so because I enjoy moving between different kinds of work -- provided I plan far enough in advance for it -- and because the collaborations that emerge out of this movement allow me to learn ways of noticing + knowing that I would otherwise not have encountered.

3. Do you tend to be more interested in internal dynamics, or external determinations? In the terms laid out by Keller, do you tend to focus so intently on the object of your concern that context falls away (i.e. are you obsessive compulsive, rather than paranoid)? Is your desire to name, specify and control your object? Is your desire is for figure, its ground your annoyance? Or are you paranoid, context being your focus and obsession? All is signal. Only begrudgingly will you admit that something is noise, outside the scope of your project? Figure is hard to come by. Its ground has captured your attention.

100% the latter -- I live for the context, and that makes it really hard to cut away things that might not be relevant to (field)work right now, because I'm always anxious that I'm missing out on some important context (even though I don't wind up using the vast majority of the context in my writing).

4. What do you do with unusual or counter examples? Are you drawn to “the deviant,” or rather repulsed by it?

Love "the deviant," and am here for it both academically and personally (I think being disabled has allowed me a lot of mental room to embrace how deviation is conceptualized and what meanings it takes on). I appreciate unusual/counter-examples for the ways in which they remind me that (my) knowledge is always shifting, and that there is no singular, specific way horizon.

5. Do you tend to over-impose logics on the world, or to resist the construction of coherent narratives?

I try as hard as I can to find logics that fit what I see, theories that make sense of the moment. In doing that, I also have to push myself to remember that maybe I am constructing a narrative that is more coherent than probable/useful.

6. Do you tend to over-generalize, or to hold back from overarching argument?

I hold back from overarching arguments, because "the deviant" has often reminded me that it is not possible to say 'the' fully-encapsulating thing about anything.

7. Do you like to read interpretations different than your own, or do you tend to feel scooped or intimidated by them?

I love different interpretations! They have contributed very significantly to shaping my worldview and my (academic) life -- I started out as a statistician, and I know I have strayed very far because of all of the generous, thoughtful, unbelievably rich interpretations I've read that were so different than the things I knew.

8. Do you tend to change an argument as you flesh it out, or do you tend to make the argument work, no matter what?

I'm not wedded to the argument, and will certainly change it as I flesh it out. I have a nasty habit of discovering more interesting reading as I write, which has also made for situations where I almost never know what I am writing about until I have it fully written out.

9. Do you tend to think in terms of “this is kind of like” (metaphorically)? Do you hold to examples that “say it all,” leveraging metonymic thinking?

More the former than the latter, but it depends on the situation, mood, and so many other factors.

10. Do you like gaming understanding in this way? Does it frustrate you that your answers often don’t fit easily on either side of the binaries set up by the questions? (Jakobson suggests that over attachment to a simple binary scheme is a “continuity disorder.”)

Yes and no -- I have often found imposed binaries very difficult to make my intellectual peace with, but have also sometimes appreciated the naming of a binary so that I can think of where I fall with my own work/methods/processes in more concrete terms than let-things-happen-and-I'll-see-what-comes-of-it.

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Megh Marathe's picture
August 10, 2020
  • Do you have more trouble articulating your frame (social theoretical questions) or object?

Frame (social theoretical questions).

  • Do you tend to project-hop or to stick to a project, and what explains this?

I like working intensively on one solo project, and have one or more ongoing collaborative side projects. Working solo can get tiring after a while and the collaborations provide much needed space for collectivity and exchange! Also, collaborations expose me to very interesting personal and disciplinary interests, beliefs, tensions, and so on.

  • Do you tend to be more interested in internal dynamics, or external determinations? In the terms laid out by Keller, do you tend to focus so intently on the object of your concern that context falls away (i.e. are you obsessive compulsive, rather than paranoid)? Is your desire to name, specify and control your object? Is your desire is for figure, its ground your annoyance? Or are you paranoid, context being your focus and obsession? All is signal. Only begrudgingly will you admit that something is noise, outside the scope of your project? Figure is hard to come by. Its ground has captured your attention.

I'm more interested in internal dynamics.

  • What do you do with unusual or counter examples? Are you drawn to “the deviant,” or rather repulsed by it?

I use it as an opportunity to rethink my assumptions and rework the working-theories that I have so far formed.

  • Do you tend to over-impose logics on the world, or to resist the construction of coherent narratives?

When writing papers, I tend to put two different narratives into conversation. I'm deeply aware that there are many more narratives and far more incoherence, but I find it difficult to communicate them without confusing the reader (reviewer?).

  • Do you tend to over-generalize, or to hold back from overarching argument?

I tend to hold back from overarching argument.

  • Do you like to read interpretations different than your own, or do you tend to feel scooped or intimidated by them?

I love reading interpretations different than my own.

  • Do you tend to change an argument as you flesh it out, or do you tend to make the argument work, no matter what?

I change the argument as I flesh it out.

  • Do you tend to think in terms of “this is kind of like” (metaphorically)? Do you hold to examples that “say it all,” leveraging metonymic thinking?

No, a little of both sometimes, but not exclusively.

  • Do you like gaming understanding in this way? Does it frustrate you that your answers often don’t fit easily on either side of the binaries set up by the questions? (Jakobson suggests that over attachment to a simple binary scheme is a “continuity disorder.”)

No I don't, it is frustrating! But apparently "a singular point" is what academic writing should aim for?!

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August 10, 2020
  1. Do you have more trouble articulating your frame (social theoretical questions) or object?  Definitely frame.  I typically have a good 'feel' for objects that prove rich for thinking through frames, but it takes time and effort for me to tease out their articulation [sometimes a lot of time to translate my 'feel' into language].
  2. Do you tend to project-hop or to stick to a project, and what explains this?  Interesting question...both:  I feel like I have an 'uber project' which finds many different expressions in different objects.  I enjoy doing many diverse explorations into these.  That said, thus far I've only had one 'all consuming' project, which very luckily is my dissertation project.  But I find myself exploring it through many different lenses [chronologically].
  3. Do you tend to be more interested in internal dynamics, or external determinations? In the terms laid out by Keller, do you tend to focus so intently on the object of your concern that context falls away (i.e. are you obsessive compulsive, rather than paranoid)? Is your desire to name, specify and control your object? Is your desire is for figure, its ground your annoyance? Or are you paranoid, context being your focus and obsession? All is signal. Only begrudgingly will you admit that something is noise, outside the scope of your project? Figure is hard to come by. Its ground has captured your attention.  Definitly more paranoid, but realistically I'm dysfunctional in both ways.  Incresingly, I can't seperate the object from it's context, and generally think it's less productive to do so.  That said, my architecture background is very 'figure' dominant, and I've been consciously unlearning some of that training.
  4. What do you do with unusual or counter examples? Are you drawn to “the deviant,” or rather repulsed by it?  Definitely drawn to the deviant.  I enjoy, and find it very productive to imagine, and think through, possibilities...particularly those that are more subversive.
  5. Do you tend to over-impose logics on the world, or to resist the construction of coherent narratives?  Intellectually, I'm pretty resistent to overarching logics/narratives, but in practice I often find myself generating them in production, especially initially.  It takes some work for me to break them down and complicate them.  I've been questioning why I tend to work this way for several years now...still no good answers, but I am concerned that it renders my thinking and writing more 'simple' than is reflective of my subjects [and that they deserve].
  6. Do you tend to over-generalize, or to hold back from overarching argument?  As briefly touched upon above, defenitely on the side of over-generalizing.  I suspect this has to do with my discomfort with writing.  I tend to speak with more nuance than I write.
  7. Do you like to read interpretations different than your own, or do you tend to feel scooped or intimidated by them?  I enjoy reading defferent interpretations from my own.  They enrich my thinking, as does conversation, more than I can typically accomplish on my own.  Sometimes, I feel intimidated...there are lots of really amazing thinkers out there...I hope to get there one day.
  8. Do you tend to change an argument as you flesh it out, or do you tend to make the argument work, no matter what?  Some of both, often driven by my beliefs.  I find I'm willing to manipulate supporting evidence and narrative structure [almost like an intellectual game] for interest and for fun, to make an intellectual proposition 'work.'  But there are certain values I hold deeply, which I often find I will modify the intellectual argument to support at almost all cost.  I worry that this is opportunist at best, and not ethical at its worst.
  9. Do you tend to think in terms of “this is kind of like” (metaphorically)? Do you hold to examples that “say it all,” leveraging metonymic thinking?  Hmmm...good question.  I'm not sure I have a preference, but that could be because I haven't thought to pay attention until now.
  10. Do you like gaming understanding in this way? Does it frustrate you that your answers often don’t fit easily on either side of the binaries set up by the questions? (Jakobson suggests that over attachment to a simple binary scheme is a “continuity disorder.”). I love exploring the 'grey tones' between black and white.  While I find it very productive in terms of thinking, it can be a liability when working on finalizing ideas/projects as it often results in slower production inspired by more questioning.
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August 10, 2020
  • Do you have more trouble articulating your frame (social theoretical questions) or object?
    • My object.
  • Do you tend to project-hop or to stick to a project, and what explains this?
    • I tend to stick to a project. Even though I am naturally interested in multiple objects or themes, I usually find a lot of pleasure in following and learning a lot about one of them and be able to connect it to other ideas, experiences or learnings.
  • Do you tend to be more interested in internal dynamics, or external determinations? In the terms laid out by Keller, do you tend to focus so intently on the object of your concern that context falls away (i.e. are you obsessive compulsive, rather than paranoid)? Is your desire to name, specify and control your object? Is your desire is for figure, its ground your annoyance? Or are you paranoid, context being your focus and obsession? All is signal. Only begrudgingly will you admit that something is noise, outside the scope of your project? Figure is hard to come by. Its ground has captured your attention.
    • I tend to be interested mostly in the external determinations, although I’d say there is always a co-existence of both approaches. In terms of Keller, I’d say I’m more of a paranoid. I have had an experience trying to name, specify and control an object —particularly a concept¾ and failing miserably. And it has been a wonderful experience as I learned much more when I accepted its ambiguity and its nature as part of it and part of myself. So, all those times when I couldn’t control it, it was acting in a way it was needed to act. I believe I have learned to co-exist and accompany more than to domesticate and control. I rather learn about how we relate to the object and how the object affects and adapt to us. Thus, I might fall into that idea that ‘all is signal’.
  • What do you do with unusual or counter examples? Are you drawn to “the deviant,” or rather repulsed by it?
    • Everytime I find something unusual or a counter-example I am drawn to it. I kind of have the feeling that there’s an unexplored way there, that there is something more that I can learn.
  • Do you tend to over-impose logics on the world, or to resist the construction of coherent narratives?
    • Lately I have had the feeling that most of the logics, strong concepts and theories do not ultimately help me understand the world in a better way —they have proved to be useful, but I believe that they are even more useful when one is able to go further, to put them to test.
  • Do you tend to over-generalize, or to hold back from overarching argument?
    • I tend to hold back from overarching arguments.
  • Do you like to read interpretations different than your own, or do you tend to feel scooped or intimidated by them?
    • I kind of feel intimidated, but I like to read them. The more I reach to other ways of thinking, the more I get to understand how I think and why.
  • Do you tend to change an argument as you flesh it out, or do you tend to make the argument work, no matter what?
    • I change arguments constantly, every time I realize that I am wrong, or that other approach is better. That being said, changing big or main arguments in a project is a hard process. It is not always easy to digest. But I find that it is always a great decision to go with the flow and let the object guide you.
  • Do you tend to think in terms of “this is kind of like” (metaphorically)? Do you hold to examples that “say it all,” leveraging metonymic thinking?
    • I tend to use metaphors.
  • Do you like gaming understanding in this way? Does it frustrate you that your answers often don’t fit easily on either side of the binaries set up by the questions? (Jakobson suggests that over attachment to a simple binary scheme is a “continuity disorder.”)
    • I do feel uncomfortable when facing closed binaries. I feel that the different nuances are not being taken into account.
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August 9, 2020

1. Do you have more trouble articulating your frame (social theoretical questions) or object?

Social theoretical questions, if I understand this question correctly.

2. Do you tend to project-hop or to stick to a project, and what explains this?

I would rather stick to a project, as leaving things unfinished would bother me. In other words, as a matter of principle, if I start doing something, then I would do my best to complete it properly.

3. Do you tend to be more interested in internal dynamics, or external determinations? In the terms laid out by Keller, do you tend to focus so intently on the object of your concern that context falls away (i.e. are you obsessive compulsive, rather than paranoid)? Is your desire to name, specify and control your object? Is your desire is for figure, its ground your annoyance? Or are you paranoid, context being your focus and obsession? All is signal. Only begrudgingly will you admit that something is noise, outside the scope of your project? Figure is hard to come by. Its ground has captured your attention.

I tend to be more interested in my own internal dynamics, so in Keller’s words, I would fear more of the loss of self-control than being controlled by others. Again, according to Keller’s conceptualization, this makes me obsessive compulsive, I guess. And while working on stuff, I do have the tendency of obsessing about understanding thoroughly what I am working on (so I do desire to name/categorize, order and control), but I would still say that I do not obsess about it to the extent that the context (of what I study?) falls away from my attention.

4. What do you do with unusual or counter examples? Are you drawn to “the deviant,” or rather repulsed by it?

Although I have the tendency to force things to fit in the frameworks I build to better understand/control the phenomenon I study (so to be repulsed by the unusual examples), as I am already aware of this tendency of mine (also the obsessive-compulsive tendencies I have in general, not particularly as a researcher) I am pretty much conscious of such practices of mine as well. As far as I observe, my overall work ethic (i.e. if I start doing something then I would do it properly) overwrites my tendency of following what feels better for an obsessive-compulsive person. That is why I would force myself to follow the deviant, even though it initially feels overwhelming. But I would still be able to do so, because soon after the first “shock”, I would again keenly accept the challenge of “getting it right”/ “capturing, hence controlling, it properly”.

5. Do you tend to over-impose logics on the world, or to resist the construction of coherent narratives?

I do enjoy over-imposing logics on the world; however, I do not imagine those as something fully comprehensible by human minds. Thus, while I always resist the simplifying, overarching coherent narratives, I do find peace in believing in the existence of very complex patterns that are only partially intelligible to humans, reminding us how small and incapable humans are after all.

6. Do you tend to over-generalize, or to hold back from overarching argument?

I hold back from overarching arguments/statements when it comes to parts of phenomena that humans attempt to understand, hence to study; but I can also find over-generalizations soothing when it comes to bigger phenomena that I think are elusive to human mind, as I tried to explain above.

 7. Do you like to read interpretations different than your own, or do you tend to feel scooped or intimidated by them?

It depends on how extreme the interpretations different than my own are. I would be just curious and willing to read about them as long as they are not fundamentally shaking my own believes and values. But if we are talking about interpretations that would not allow my interpretations/believes/values to (co-)exist, I would not enjoy reading them, and mostly would feel intimidated by them; yet I would still force myself to read them either to better hone my arguments to be able to convince them or to simply keep myself posted about them (which can in future lead me to change my own assumptions).

8. Do you tend to change an argument as you flesh it out, or do you tend to make the argument work, no matter what?

I would definitely change my argument, no matter how much time and effort I already put in it. If I spot any problem in it, I cannot pretend that it does not exist; because to complete a project/essay/argument properly (the work ethic I mentioned in the beginning), for me, means accepting to be challenged for it. If I accept to be challenged for it, then I cannot just make the argument work for the sake of being done with that project. The argument should be as strong as I can make it to be.

9. Do you tend to think in terms of “this is kind of like” (metaphorically)? Do you hold to examples that “say it all,” leveraging metonymic thinking?

I do think in terms of “this is kind of like”, and I have always been taken with the power of metaphors in communication.

10. Do you like gaming understanding in this way? Does it frustrate you that your answers often don’t fit easily on either side of the binaries set up by the questions? (Jakobson suggests that over attachment to a simple binary scheme is a “continuity disorder.”)

Again, it depends. Sometimes, yes, my answers do not fit on either side, and then I create my own middle ground; but sometimes they do fall under one of the choices. In any case, I would not get frustrated by the fact that some of my answers do not fit on either side of the binaries, I would just ignore them and talk about how it works in my reality.

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Jonathan Wald's picture
August 9, 2020
  1. Do you have more trouble articulating your frame (social theoretical questions) or object?


  1. Do you tend to project-hop or to stick to a project, and what explains this?

Mostly stick to a project. I can find it hard to multi-task, but this can also mean that if a project is derailed it can be difficult to mentally return to it.

  1. Do you tend to be more interested in internal dynamics, or external determinations? In the terms laid out by Keller, do you tend to focus so intently on the object of your concern that context falls away (i.e. are you obsessive compulsive, rather than paranoid)? Is your desire to name, specify and control your object? Is your desire is for figure, its ground your annoyance? Or are you paranoid, context being your focus and obsession? All is signal. Only begrudgingly will you admit that something is noise, outside the scope of your project? Figure is hard to come by. Its ground has captured your attention.

On this binary, I would likely identify as more obsessive than paranoid, but I actually identified more with Keller’s description of sadistic research. I tend to focus on the “so what?” element of research with context or object becoming significant insofar as it supports ethical or political objectives.

  1. What do you do with unusual or counter examples? Are you drawn to “the deviant,” or rather repulsed by it?

This is where all of my attention focuses, perhaps to the point where I find it difficult to focus on the ordinary.

  1. Do you tend to over-impose logics on the world, or to resist the construction of coherent narratives?

I’m interested in patterns and how people react when they are broken. This can risk “over imposition,” but tracking this process in myself has been a central part of my education in anthropology.

  1. Do you tend to over-generalize, or to hold back from overarching argument?

I likely risk overgeneralization.

  1. Do you like to read interpretations different than your own, or do you tend to feel scooped or intimidated by them?

Honestly, I sometimes feel intimidated, less by the author of the interpretation than by the institutional forces which make it difficult to be the second (or later) person to arrive to a conversation.

  1. Do you tend to change an argument as you flesh it out, or do you tend to make the argument work, no matter what?

My arguments change a lot while writing.

  1. Do you tend to think in terms of “this is kind of like” (metaphorically)? Do you hold to examples that “say it all,” leveraging metonymic thinking?


  1. Do you like gaming understanding in this way? Does it frustrate you that your answers often don’t fit easily on either side of the binaries set up by the questions? (Jakobson suggests that over attachment to a simple binary scheme is a “continuity disorder.”)

While there are certainly terms I don’t agree with in some of these questions, I enjoy reflexive practices.

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August 8, 2020

1. Do you have more trouble articulating your frame (social theoretical questions) or object?

I guess I have more trouble in articulation my object. I find it easier to frame social theoretical questions because they are already there in an implicit or explicit way in scholarly texts while an empirical object might have more fuzzy boundaries when looked at from a social perspective. It usually raises for me many questions related to the cuts that can be made: where it should be studied, with whom should I speak to, what levels defines it more (micro/macro/meso), what kind of artifacts should be taken into consideration, etc.? 

2. Do you tend to project-hop or to stick to a project, and what explains this?  

I stick to a project till its end (an end defined by external circumstances according to the project's timeline) but can't say that I have the interest to continue it afterwards. Till now this has happened because most of the projects that I have worked at weren't necessarily very definitory for me and I engaged with them due to various constraints (making a living, building professional experience). Hope that my current PhD project will be more fruitful for a long-term engagement with some of the themes it raises because I'm more passionate about. However, I do find it useful to engage with multiple projects, firstly because as a researcher I have a broad curiosity about social life, and secondly, I do like to learn more about different work environments and collaborations. 

3. Do you tend to be more interested in internal dynamics, or external determinations? In the terms laid out by Keller, do you tend to focus so intently on the object of your concern that context falls away (i.e. are you obsessive compulsive, rather than paranoid)? Is your desire to name, specify and control your object? Is your desire is for figure, its ground your annoyance? Or are you paranoid, context being your focus and obsession? All is signal. Only begrudgingly will you admit that something is noise, outside the scope of your project? Figure is hard to come by. Its ground has captured your attention.

I am more attuned in research to external determinations. I do have the tendency to expand my project through various bifurcations, especially in its initial phases which may add various layers that indeed make figure hard to come by.

4. What do you do with unusual or counter examples? Are you drawn to “the deviant,” or rather repulsed by it?

I enjoy when I encounter unusual or counterexamples, I rather worry when I don't. Since empirical generalisations are not equivalent to universal truths, I have no stress that counter-examples or outliers deny their validity. On the contrary, I think that they might offer a better view on the common, mundane, the usual since it is this that is harder to unpack, understand. 

5. Do you tend to over-impose logics on the world, or to resist the construction of coherent narratives?

I kind of resist the construction of coherent narratives, especially when they are very broad. I think that reality is more messy and full of contradictions and ambiguities to can be accounted through an over-imposing logic. But I also think that any account, given its nature, will bring its own sensibilities and modes of ordering and construct some form coherency so maybe the most important thing is to acknowledge that. 

6. Do you tend to over-generalize, or to hold back from overarching argument?

I hold back from overarching arguments. I make all efforts to identify which are the parameters that allow for the generalizations that I make and clearly define their scope. 

7. Do you like to read interpretations different than your own, or do you tend to feel scooped or intimidated by them?

I like to read interpretations different than my own and I have different reactions towards them, depending on the type, context. I really enjoy reading something that I did not think of previously and I like it, even if they may challenge my own, and have no problem in readjusting my own interpretations accordingly. I also like it when I encounter different interpretations with which I do not agree since they are a good opportunity to revisit my own and flesh them out even more. 

8. Do you tend to change an argument as you flesh it out, or do you tend to make the argument work, no matter what?

I change, a lot usually. I think this is the charm of research (at least qualitative, anthropological): you start with some initial thoughts, put them to work and see where they take you without transforming them into a straightjacket. 

9. Do you tend to think in terms of “this is kind of like” (metaphorically)? Do you hold to examples that “say it all,” leveraging metonymic thinking? 

I work best and identify more easily contrasts, so more inclined towards looking at relations of similarity/non-similarity. 

10. Do you like gaming understanding in this way? Does it frustrate you that your answers often don’t fit easily on either side of the binaries set up by the questions? (Jakobson suggests that over-attachment to a simple binary scheme is a “continuity disorder.”)

I am rather frustrated by the lack of parsimony when categorizing and I usually find it very hard to interpret my data through binaries. There are many shades of gray that make it hard for me to think in black and white terms. 

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