Example Memo

Here is an example memo that you could add to the main essay workspace for the day of the session.

You should add a tag for the STS as a Critical Pedagogy workshop and, if the memo is commenting on one of the panels, you could also add a tag for the name of the panel (sans "workspace").

You can select "STS Critical Pedagogy Workshop" as the group audience, and use group defaults for visibility. Select your license, using a CC if possible.

Add yourself as a Contributor, and Open for permissions.

Once you Save your Memo, you can then add it to the essay space. Go to the main essay workspace and click Customize this Page in the bottom center, select the second column + and search for your new memo by title. Once it is added, you can drag it down to the right location. OR, ask your undergrad fellow or Emily York to add it for you! Just send a note in slack or by email with the name of the memo.


Emily York


Creative Commons Licence




Groups audience: 
  • STS Critical Pedagogy Workshop
Group content visibility: 
Use group defaults