STS Colloquium Flyers

The Drexel STS Colloquium Series

This essay highlights events from Drexel’s STS Colloquium Series, from January 2016 through June 2018. The colloquium series features different types of events, including a monthly works-in progress lunch, lectures by visiting scholars, workshops, symposiums, and conferences. The Center for Science, Technology, and Society also regularly co-sponsors events with the departments of Sociology, English and Philosophy, and the Women’s and Gender Studies program. All events are open to the university and public; lunch is almost always provided.

The monthly works-in-progress talks anchor the colloquium series. These community-building events are held on the first Wednesday of each month, October through May. For this format, we invite a faculty member and a student to give a 15-20 minute works in progress talk, followed by 10-15 minutes of discussion. This has been a wonderful forum to get to know each others work, workshop ideas, and move projects forward.

We also invite scholars from other universities and research centers to Drexel CSTS for day-long visits. Visiting scholars typically give a lunch-hour lecture and meet with faculty and students during their visit.

A few times a year, Drexel CSTS also hosts larger events, including half or full-day workshops, symposiums, and conferences. Our recent events include the the Speculative Futures symposium, the Energy Futures conference, and the Writing Slow Disaster workshop.

Our events draw attendance from CSTS as well as faculty and students across the university and other area schools.
