EU/ WHO Mission to Review the Exit Screening Measures at International Airports in Conakry, Freetown and Monrovia 2014

This is a summary technical report produced by The European Commission and World Health Organization. The report is used as primary material for the article "Inequality in the Governance of Pandemic Threat," by Jose Cañada and Satu...Read more


Transcript of Audio Clip Recorded December 7, 2020

Leo Mutuku:

No, no, no, like, TVETs [Technical Vocational Education and Training colleges] have gone through like these periods of importance and emphasis and that's important to emphasize....Read more

Appendix C: Tables

This document includes tables outlining the readings assigned each week, and a description of the participants’ final assignment topics.

Find the other data linked ...Read more

STS Talks - Interview with Z. Umut Turem

An interview with Law and Society scholar Z. Umut Türem from Bogazici University, conducted by STS scholar Duygu Kaşdoğan on August 12, 2019. In this interview Türem reflects on his experiences in moderating a talk given by...Read more

Appendix B: Interview Schedule

This document includes all three interview schedules, focused on participants' experience in the course.

Find the other data linked here and further details...Read more

Table S1: Full item wording

In the study by Sample et al. (2022), most rehabilitation professionals reported that they had little or no prior knowledge of brain-computer interfaces. For this reason, the specific wording used to introduce brain-computer interfaces, as well as the wording of subsequent question about ethics...Read more

Data Availability Statement for "Placing STS In and Through Turkey"

The article “Placing STS in and through Turkey” is mostly based on two exhibitions prepared or contributed to by us, the authors of the article. These exhibitions – “An Archaeology of STS in Turkey” (Kaşdoğan, Yetişkin, and Erol 2018) and “Innovating STS in Turkey” (Kaşdoğan and Alkan 2019) –...Read more

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