The way the authors struggle with shifting the seemingly straightforward concepts of space and place from national registers of STS to..., well, something else, was very familiar, although the...Read more
An interview with Naoki Kasuga by Casper Bruun Jensen. Kasuga is the founder and editor-in-chief of the online journal NatureCulture. He is also the editor of the book, Anthropology as Critique of Reality, which introduced the anthropological "ontological turn" in Japan.Read more
The Ontology of Technology : Considering the Potentiality of Natural-Cultural Anthropology through an Analysis of the Inuit Technological-Complex System (<Special Theme>New Horizon of Ethnography on Technology)
Author: Keiichi Omura
Keywords:...Read more
Asian and African Area Studies No.13-2 (February, 2014): 148-173
Author: Yasushi Uchiyamada
Abstract: This is an attempt to follow and describe from the perspective of Simondonian ontogenesis the emerging imbroglios constituted interactively by leaking radioactive materials,...Read more
In this 2016 article, Tom Boellstorff argues that the ontological turn and related theoretical moves can help illuminate digital cultures and the false opposition between "digital" and "real." Boellstorff provides a link to the PDF on his...Read more
This 2016 paper is an introduction to the special issue on infrastructure which is one of the outcomes of the KAKEN research project "Environmental Infrastructures: Comparative Ethnographic Study...Read more
This is a pre-print of the introduction to the edited volume The World Multiple:The Quotidian Politics of Knowing and Generating Entangled Worlds, edited by Keiichi Omura, Grant Jun Otsuki, Shiho Satsuka, and Atsuro Omura...Read more