STS pedagogies

DSIS Studio I Syllabus

This is a syllabus for DSIS Studio I, taught by Raquel Velho at RPI in Fall 2020.Read more

STS Critical Pedagogies Workshop - STS Labs and Clinics - Your Classroom, Your Lab?

How can your classroom also be a space for modeling a "laboratory" or lab practices?

  • How can the " space " of your pedagogy or classroom be leveraged in a way that enacts a "laboratory"?
  • What is the " institution " where you
  • ...Read more
Context: Assignment and Link to Student Work

This document provides the assignment description and link to student work associated with the Social Text Editorial Board exercise that is part of the Introduction to Science and Technology Studies graduate course taught by Sonja Schmid and Matthew Wisnioski.Read more

Making the Case for Ourselves: Boundary Objects in Critical STS Pedagogies Panel Notes June 23, 2021

This is a PDF download of a Google document. It reflects notes taken during the "Making the Case for Ourselves: Boundary Objects in Critical STS Pedagogies" Panel with Marisa Brandt, Kate Sheppard, Sean Ferguson, Anna Geltzer, and Kari Zacharias in the STS as a Critical Pedagogy Workshop, Summer...Read more

Social, Technical... and Environmental?: Addressing Environmental Entanglements as a Part of Engineering Education

This paper, by Dr. Elizabeth A. Reddy and Dr. Shannon Davies Mancus, was presented at the ASEE 2021 meeting.

Training students to be sensitive to the entanglements of technologies and social life has been an important move for engineering educators interested...Read more

Interrogating STS Pedagogies Panel Abstract

During our session on Interrogating Critical STS Pedagogies tomorrow, we will share - and ask you to share - artifacts that you use while teaching STS, but that also help you reflect on what critical pedagogy means to you. These might be...Read more

Introduction to Science and Technology Studies (STS 5024) Syllabus

This is a syllabus for Science and Technology Studies (STS 5024), a graduate course taught by Sonja Schmid and Matthew Wisnioski in Fall 2020.Read more

Cultural, Ethical, and Legal Issues in Computing Syllabus- Spring 2021 - York

This syllabus was created for a 400-level class called Cultural, Ethical, and Legal Issues in Computing, offered in Spring 2021, synchronously online via Zoom.

The course is offered within the Integrated Science and Technology (ISAT) ABET-accredited Bachelor of Science program, and...Read more

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