transnational STS

Transnationalizing Critical Drug Studies

Draft paper prepared for Open Panel, Transnational STS: Theories, Practices, and Pedagogies at 2020 4S-EASST virPrague conference.Read more


Submitted for the Transnational STS: Theories, Pedagogies, and Practices open panel at 4S/EASST virPrague 2020 conference.Read more

AOk. The importance of public discourse and archiving.

I find this video clip particularly spoke to the value of channels of communication and debate for public (scientific) discussion and then the careful archiving (and "backing up") of those...Read more

ESTS Redesign Scoping Document

This artifact compiles research conducted and key insights gained by the Editorial Collective of ESTS journal. This research has supported the website redesign, content managements system upgrade, and the ongoing digital and social infrastructuring of the journal. The research was compiled by...Read more

Examples of the power of publishing source data

Here are two provacative examples of publishing source data sets, one set by journalists and another by historians: 

Example 1: Following the take-over of the US Capital on Jan 6, 2021, Pro-...Read more

Transnational STS in ESTS Journal

Draft paper prepared for open panel, Transnational STS: Theories, Pedagogies, and Practices at 4S-EASST virPrague 2020 conference.Read more

Are we eating the cannibal?

Draft paper prepared for Open Panel, Transnational STS: Theories, Practices, and Pedagogies at 2020 4S-EASST virPrague conference.Read more

Transnational Transformations

Draft paper prepared for Open Panel, Transnational STS: Theories, Practices, and Pedagogies at 2020 4S-EASST virPrague conference.Read more

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