Ukombozi library

Githethwa, Njuki. 2018. “Feeling Mwalimu Nyerere Intellectual Festival.” Pambazuka News, July 6, 2018.

AO: This article reports back on the author's experience of the 2018 Mwalimu Nyerere Intellectual Festival and includes mention of the Ukombozi Library.Read more

Durrani, Shiraz. 2006. Never Be Silent: Publishing & Imperialism in Kenya, 1884 - 1963. 1. ed. London: Vita Books.

From book jacket: “We will never be silent until we get land to cultivate and freedom in this country of ours” …so sang Mau Mau activists. The struggle for independence in Kenya was waged at many levels. Never be Silent explores how this struggle was reflected in the...Read more

AO. Project-based approach to Progressive Librarianship

AO: This excerpt describes some of the projects (more detailed in the full interview) that give a sense of what Progressive Librarianship might look like.

A project-

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AO. Bretton Woods neoliberal policies of 1980s/90s reduced library capacities.

AO: This quote underlines the historical context of the Bretton Woods' Structural Adjustment Policies which heavily influenced the situation of libraries and educational institutions today....Read more

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