Alejandro Artopoulos


Universidad de San Andrés
Vito Dumas 284
Victoria, B




I am a Professor of Technology and Educational Change at Universidad de San Andrés, of Science and Technology Studies (STS) at Universidad de Buenos Aires and Director of the Pedagogical Innovation Centre. Researcher at Scientific Research Commission, PBA, Argentina. Sociologist and Master in Technology Policy and Management, UBA, Argentina. PhD in Information and Knowledge Society, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain.
I am interested in socio-historical studies of technology, inclusive and sustainable development, social and cultural change in the knowledge society, social studies of science and technology (STS), and digital sociology. I explore the socio-technical transition to hybrid learning and smart agriculture in Latin America, the development of informational capabilities by computational thinking development both in students and professionals in the global south, the relationship between AI and educational inequalities, and human-digital assemblages in learning.
With more than 20 years of experience in academia and consulting, I’ve developed a diverse expertise in inclusive digital education, science, technology and innovation policy, and knowledge economy. He has participated in numerous research projects, published academic papers, conducted fieldwork, and provided strategic inputs for decision-making in Latin America and beyond.
I am currently leading an R&D project on digitalizing schools in vulnerable areas. I am also involved in the Transition to Smart Agriculture in Argentina. I am passionate about creating and sharing knowledge that can contribute to social change and digital justice.