Today, "shizen" and "Nature" are taken to be more or less equivalent in today, both referring to a realm of forces and entities independent of human activity, but also available to humans as a...Read more
An interview with Naoki Kasuga by Casper Bruun Jensen. Kasuga is the founder and editor-in-chief of the online journal NatureCulture. He is also the editor of the book, Anthropology as Critique of Reality, which introduced the anthropological "ontological turn" in Japan.Read more
In the slow turn away from speculative philosophy to grounded ethnography, from the “ontological” turn to the ecological turn, from presentism to future scenario-and-design thinking, and from...Read more
In her recent book Natural Reflections (Smith 2010: 2–5), B. H. Smith explains how, in the early 1950s, Marion Keech, resident of a town in the U.S. Midwest, called on...Read more
The Ontology of Technology : Considering the Potentiality of Natural-Cultural Anthropology through an Analysis of the Inuit Technological-Complex System (<Special Theme>New Horizon of Ethnography on Technology)
Author: Keiichi Omura
Keywords:...Read more