STS Futures Lab

Visualizing and Engaging With STS Concepts

Philosophy of science diagram
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Philosophy of science diagram

Philosophy of Science Diagram

This diagram illustrates the relationship between some basic concepts in the (traditional) philosophy of science.

Governance of Science and Technology diagram

Governance of Science and Technology Diagram

This diagram illustrates the relationship between some basic concepts in the governance of science and technology.

Philosophy of science card showing Ludwig Fleck

Philosophy of Science Card: Fleck

This is one in a series of Philosophy of Science cards that I have used in discussion activities in class to help students engage with some philosophers of science and related concepts.

Philosophy of science card showing Thomas Kuhn

Philosophy of Science Card: Kuhn

This is one in a series of Philosophy of Science cards that I have used in discussion activities in class to help students engage with some philosophers of science and related concepts.

Design Fiction Final Project Assignment

In the Integrated Science and Technology program at James Madison University, students are required to take a foundations course on "Technology, Science, and Society." In this course, learning objectives include learning some basic STS concepts (e.g., social construction...Read more

STS Trivial Pursuit: 4

This is one in a series of homemade STS trivial pursuit cards I made to engage undergraduate students in an introductory STS course. I bought a used Trivial Pursuit game for a few dollars, and then had to explain to most of my students how the game worked, but it was fun.Read more

Cultivating Interdisciplinary Trading Zones: SEESHOP 2019 Presentation

This presentation was created and delivered by Shannon N. Conley, Emily York, and undergraduate student Sam Kodua at the 2019 Studies of Expertise and Experience (SEESHOP) meeting in Helsinki. Here, we offer preliminary analysis of our Co-Imagining Futures research engagements, examining how...Read more

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